


Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET)是一个专为社交工程设计的开源渗透测试框架. SET有许多自定义攻击向量,允许你在很短的时间内进行可信的攻击.这些工具使用人类行为来欺骗他们攻击向量.




  Select from the menu:
   1) Social-Engineering Attacks #社会工程攻击(钓鱼网站等)
   2) Penetration Testing (Fast-Track)  #渗透测试(快速通道)
   3) Third Party Modules #第三方模块
   4) Update the Social-Engineer Toolkit  #新升级set
   5) Update SET configuration #更新set的设置
   6) Help, Credits, and About #帮助菜单
  99) Exit the Social-Engineer Toolkit  #退出
    1) Spear-Phishing Attack Vectors #鱼叉式网络钓鱼攻击
   2) Website Attack Vectors   #网页攻击
   3) Infectious Media Generator #传染媒介式(俗称木马)
   4) Create a Payload and Listener #建立payloaad和listener
   5) Mass Mailer Attack #邮件群发攻击(夹杂木马啊payload的玩意发给你)
   6) Arduino-Based Attack Vector #Arduino基础攻击
   7) Wireless Access Point Attack Vector  #无线接入点攻击
   8) QRCode Generator Attack Vector #二维码攻击
   9) Powershell Attack Vectors #Powershell攻击
  10) SMS Spoofing Attack Vector #短信欺骗
  11) Third Party Modules #第三反模块
  99) Return back to the main menu. #返回上级
    1) Java Applet Attack Method #java applet攻击(网页弹窗那种)
   2) Metasploit Browser Exploit Method #Metasploit 浏览器漏洞攻击
   3) Credential Harvester Attack Method #钓鱼网站攻击
   4) Tabnabbing Attack Method #标签钓鱼攻击
   5) Web Jacking Attack Method #网站jacking攻击
   6) Multi-Attack Web Method #多种网站攻击方式
   7) Full Screen Attack Method #全屏幕攻击(只能够对谷歌邮箱和脸书用)
   8) HTA Attack Method   #HTA攻击
  99) Return to Main Menu #返回上级
   1) Web Templates #网站模版
   2) Site Cloner #克隆网站 (这个克隆网站的要求就是最好是静态页面而且有有POST返回的登录界面)
   3) Custom Import #自己设计的网站
  99) Return to Webattack Menu #返回上级
  set:webattack> IP address for the POST back in Harvester/Tabnabbing []:
             **** Important Information ****
For templates, when a POST is initiated to harvest
credentials, you will need a site for it to redirect.
You can configure this option under:
Edit this file, and change HARVESTER_REDIRECT and
HARVESTER_URL to the sites you want to redirect to
after it is posted. If you do not set these, then
it will not redirect properly. This only goes for
  1. Java Required
  2. Google
  3. Twitter
#选择2 Google
[*] The Social-Engineer Toolkit Credential Harvester Attack
[*] Credential Harvester is running on port 80
[*] Information will be displayed to you as it arrives below:
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